

Zinc is an essential element that is found in mineral deposits in earth’s crust (usually with copper and lead) from which zinc is then extracted.  The amount of zinc in plants depends on levels of the element in soil. Small traces of zinc are also found in ocean...
2 Post-Workout Smoothies to Refuel Your Body

2 Post-Workout Smoothies to Refuel Your Body

Good nutrition is important, especially if you engage in high-intensity activities on a regular basis. The right diet can maximise your athletic performance and optimise the beneficial effects of physical activity. You may have heard that exercise is an inflammatory...


Selenium is a trace element that is naturally found in the soil to varying degrees, hence the selenium level in plants depend on the amount of selenium in the soil the plants are grown. Why do we need selenium?  Selenium is part of many enzymes which are substances...


Calcium is a mineral that is found in the soil and is then absorbed into the roots of plants. Why do we need calcium?  To keep our teeth and bones healthy and strong (99% of calcium is in bones &teeth) Muscle contraction Nerve transmission Normal heart rhythm...
Avocados – Fruit of the Gods

Avocados – Fruit of the Gods

People often avoid eating avocado because they know it’s high in calories. What many people don’t realise is that this fruit contains nearly 20 vital vitamins and minerals and it can also help with weight loss. In fact, most dieticians consider avocado to be a...

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